A therapeutic service for the whole family
About Amandine Mourière
I'm a systemic practitioner, an Intensive Interaction trainer, and a free-lance autism and learning disability consultant based in West London.
I work in a variety of settings with both children and adults with learning difficulties and/or autism to offer support, guidance and training to professionals and families.
I'm incredibly passionate in my want to help support and enrich the lives of those with learning disabilities and/or autism together with their families. I provide a warm, flexible and sensitive approach to help them, including anyone significant in the child's life, to explore the challenges of raising an atypical child. And to understand the basis of Intensive Interaction, and how this can enable individuals to build relationships, and make progress with their social-communication, their emotional, cognitive and social development.
My Background
I developed an interest in Autism whilst working in schools as a teaching assistant, and I enrolled on a Masters degree in Autism which I completed in 2014.
I was very fortunate to meet Dr Dave Hewett, one of the founders of the Intensive Interaction approach, around that same time. He became my mentor, and provided opportunity for me under his tutelage, to become a trainer and consultant with the Intensive Interaction Institute where I am currently the training team lead.
My Vision
In addition to the work with the Institute, I have been working with and supporting families for over a decade. I have come to appreciate during the course of this time, that helping the child in isolation is often not enough. With an active interest in psychology and a wish to learn further the impact and effect on the whole family - I qualfied as a Systemic Practitioner in June 2023.
I believe a systemic approach combined with Intensive Interaction supports mutual understanding, and creates a strong base for more effective ways of interacting and evolving relationships, to cater for the whole family's well-being.
I hope to go on to complete a Master's degree in family and systemic psychotherapy to qualify as a systemic family therapist.